Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that can happen after seeing or going through a traumatic event. There are many things that can cause this disorder, like seeing someone die, being in a war, or being in a car accident.
People with this disease have different symptoms, but some of the most common ones are flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, and changes in how they sleep or eat. People with PTSD may try to stay away from places or people who remind them of the trauma.
The disorder can make a person’s life very difficult. PTSD can make every day a battle, whether it’s because their relationships with other people make them feel alone or because it’s hard for them to work. Counseling services give people a lot of ways to deal with their problems.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)
The goal of this therapy is to change the negative thoughts and beliefs that can come up after a traumatic event. People with PTSD may have nightmares, flashbacks, and memories that keep coming back to them. People may start to avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma because these memories can be so upsetting. CBT helps people deal with trauma in a way that is less upsetting and challenges their negative ideas about themselves and the world. This could make people feel less helpless, safer, and more hopeful.
CBT can also help people find ways to deal with the stresses of everyday life. Some things can cause people to slowly start going to places and seeing people they used to avoid.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)
EMDR was made in the 1980s to help people with PTSD deal with its effects. EMDR is based on the idea that when we go through a traumatic event, our brains get too full of information and can’t process it properly. This can cause stress, flashbacks, and bad dreams. The goal of EMDR therapy is to help the brain deal with these memories and relieve the symptoms that come with them.
While the client thinks about a specific memory or event, the therapist will guide them through a series of eye movements, sounds, or tapping sensations. This kind of intense treatment has also been shown to help other kinds of patients feel less depressed and anxious. Some therapists have turned to EMDR more in recent years because it combines CBT and body-based treatment.
Online Psychotherapy
Even if your PTSD makes it hard for you to leave the house, you can still get help because more services are now available online. One of these places is MellaHealth, which offers online therapy in Connecticut. The goal of the clinic’s PTSD treatment is to give you all the help and strategies you need to live a happier, healthier life. After a consultation, they will put you in touch with a specialist who can help you do that.
PTSD is hard to deal with because it can hurt you in many ways. But there are ways to treat it, even at home. Contact MellaHealth today if you are ready to find a way to live that brings you peace.