Have you ever felt self-conscious about the way your underarm looks? Has it prevented you from wearing sleeveless clothing, tank/tubes tops, and bikinis? Have you tried using or looking for underarm whitening or bleaching creams? Do you wish to improve the overall appearance of your underarms?
If you answer ‘Yes’ to all of the questions above, then you definitely need underarm whitening in Singapore ASAP . Darker pigmentation under the arms is a cosmetic issue that can be corrected using a variety of treatment options. The skin under the arms should naturally match the color of the rest of the body and any deviation, particular darker underarms, are caused by excess pigmentation.
To learn more about ways to improve underarm skin tone in Singapore, this article will tackle the following topics:
- What causes dark underarms?
- Types of underarm whitening treatments in Singapore
- Underarm whitening treatment vs IPL
Hopefully, after going through the article, you will find the information you need regarding underarm whitening in Singapore. And may this knowledge help you choose which treatment or procedure is best for your condition so that you can restore your confidence!
Causes of dark underarms
Underarm pigmentation can be a source of low self-esteem and endless frustration, especially if you consider the fact that the problem itself is preventable, and could be a symptom of an underlying health condition. It is important to identify the causes of underarm pigmentation in order to prevent it from appearing in the first place.
There are different reasons for the darkening of underarms, and these include:
- Hormonal imbalance: Changes in levels of progesterone and estrogen in the body may trigger an overproduction of melanin and melanocytes, which are both naturally-occurring pigments that can contribute to the darkening of the skin in areas such as the underarms.
- Contact dermatitis due to allergy: There was a study published some time ago that revealed deodorants as the primary cause of allergic contact dermatitis due to its fragrance components. It was found that certain skin care products like deodorants and anti-perspirants may be too harsh for some skin types and using them can lead to underarm pigmentation.
- Acanthosis nigricans (AN): AN is one of the most common causes of dark underarms. Its symptoms include dark, rough, and thickened skin around the areas of the neck, underarms, elbow, and groin. It is often linked to diabetes and obesity, and research shows that it has a prevalence rate of 7 to 74% depending on a patient’s race, age, and level of obesity.
- Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Sometimes, incorrect application of laser treatments like IPL (intense pulsed light) for underarm hair removal can wreak havoc to the skin and subsequently trigger the production of melanin (hyperpigmentation). As a result, the skin under the arms appears darker. Too much irritation/abrasion to the skin under the arms due to frequent or improper waxing and shaving can also lead to hyperpigmentation.
- Improper hygiene: Dead skin cells can accumulate on the skin if the person does not exfoliate regularly. Over time, these dead skin cells result in the darkening of the skin in an area, such as under the arm.
Ways to improve underarm underarm skin tone in Singapore
There are four main types of underarm whitening treatments in Singapore: over-the-counter topical creams, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling, and laser therapy.
When it comes to topical creams, there are certain ingredients that are known to help lighten dark underarms. These are azelaic acid, corticosteroids, tretinoin, and hydroquinone. Some depigmentation creams also contain ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, and arbutin. However, it should be noted that creams with hydroquinone is not recommended for long-term use because it can cause skin irritation and PIH. An alternative is to use creams that contain the ingredient cysteamine instead. Cysteamine is considered milder and safer, and its users have shown better tolerance to it. The key to achieve quick results when using topical creams is to apply it daily and consistently – no ifs and buts!
Microdermabrasion is a process that uses a handheld device with an abrasive surface to remove the darkened and thickened skin in the underarm. Chemical peeling, on the other hand, refers to a cosmetic procedure where a chemical solution is gently applied to the skin in order to remove the dark upper layer. The new skin that grows after the application of the chemical solution will be smoother and lighter.
Lastly, there is laser therapy. Laser therapy has been long used to address a lot of conditions that involved pigmented skin and it has proved to be effective in eliminating dark pigments and lightening the skin. At Veritas Medical Aesthetics, three types of laser therapy are currently being offered: Blend Laser Protocol, Perfect Skin Resurfacing, and Fotona V3 Redness Laser. The first one uses non-ablative lasers to address dark pigmentation in the underarms while the second type utilizes fractional laser to target all layers of the skin to clear the pigmentation. Last but not the least is Fotona V3 Redness, a type of long-pulsed laser that corrects redness. This type of laser is compatible with haemoglobin, thus the improvement in overall redness and visible blood vessels. Prior to applying any kind of treatment, Veritas conduct a thorough medical examination to rule out skin diseases. Afterwards, the doctors use a combination of lasers to effectively and permanently treat dark underarms.
Underarm whitening vs IPL
There seems to be some confusion about underarm whitening treatments and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) that us used for hair removal. Underarm hair can contribute to the appearance of dark armpits so instead of shaving (which worsens pigmentation due to friction on the skin), laser hair removal treatments like IPL are preferred by some people. The goal of IPL is to permanently remove hair by targeting hair roots using laser energy. The laser therapy used in underarm whitening, on the other hand, eliminates melanin to lighten dark underarms. To put it simply, underarm whitening lasers do not remove hair and hair removal lasers do not whiten underarms. But you can undergo both treatments as long as they are spaces at least two weeks apart!
The Veritas Medical Aesthetics clinic offers a variety of ways to improve underarm skin tone (and you may find some interesting treatments for facials such as HIFU, Ultherapy and Profhilo as well). These treatments are non-invasive so you can be sure that there are minimal risks and side effects. Our doctors will carefully assess your condition so that only the best and the right treatment option will be used.
Veritas Medical Aesthetics
13 Stamford Rd
#B2-35 Capitol Singapore
Singapore 178905
Phone: +65 6283 3885
Whatsapp: +65 8129 9789