The latest medical research shows that 2 million deaths worldwide are caused due to liver disorders like liver failure, liver damage, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, hepatitis, etc. Some of these diseases may not be easily curable, they are at least diagnosable and can be prevented if proper precaution is adhered to on time. This precaution or prevention measure is conducting a Liver Function Test at suggested time intervals, browse LFT test price Delhi for booking test dates.
Symptoms that indicate a Liver Function Test
Problems in the liver can make a person extremely sick in only weeks. Sometimes, neglecting the protein levels and synthesis of enzymes in the liver results in life-threatening liver diseases or chronic liver illnesses.
These are some serious symptoms indicating you should immediately get an LFT done:
Weakness in the liver
If you mark constant pain in the liver when eating heavy food and feel a certain weakness in bowel movements or joints, get hold of the LFT test price Delhi to book appointments. Weakness in the body, nausea, vomiting, and easy loss of energy and fatigue when doing physical activities generally signify liver disorders, so be mindful of your moves.
Liver functioning abnormality
Although one cannot determine elevated levels of alanine transaminase or aspartate transaminase or a decreased bilirubin or alkaline phosphatases in the liver, there are certain functional abnormalities they are accompanied with that is identifiable in terms of liver discomfort, digestion failure, etc. Whenever you feel similar conditions, consult your doctor for an LFT.
Rapid weight fluctuations
If you notice you have suddenly gained a lot of weight or have suffered rapid weight loss despite not taking any prescribed diet or lifestyle change, this calls for an LFT. Therefore, ask your doctor regarding the LFT test price Delhi and decide on follow-up action.
If you have persistent yellow skin and eyes, you might have jaundice. At its early stages, it isn’t detectable, but your loss of appetite, yellowness of skin surface, and fatigue indicate jaundice that can literally eat away your liver’s stamina.
Liver disorders
Although the naked eye cannot note the progression of liver disorders, certain bodily changes like fluid collection in the abdomen or ascites, abdominal pain, discoloured stools or even dark or light coloured stools, and other such conditions suggest you might be suffering from a liver order. In that case, consult a specialist to know how you can follow up with the required medication.
Scenarios for considering an LFT
LFT test price Delhi is a great choice to keep a check on the smooth functioning of the organ, and doctors tend to advise even healthy individuals to undergo a routine liver function checkup. A Liver Function Test or LFT involves examining the concentration of vital proteins and enzymes inside the organ, such as bilirubin, albumin, protein, bile duct juices, etc. Both increase and decrease of liver enzymes sound problematic, so we have listed some scenarios that should sound an alarm for you to inquire about the LFT test price Delhi and get it done. Here below are some situations that call for an LFT:
- When you experience regular liver pain or possible liver infections
- When you have been diagnosed with Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C
- When you have suffered a viral infection leading to diarrhea
- When you have been taking one of these medications that are known to pressurize the liver functioning like antibiotics, statins, tuberculosis medicines, and anti-seizure medications
- When you already suffer from liver disease, get LFT every quarter to check how well a particular drugs treatment is working
- If you have a family history of liver disorders
- If you experience fatty liver symptoms
- If you are experiencing certain medical conditions like diabetes, high triglycerides, anemia, and high blood pressure
- If you have had a gallbladder pain
- If oily and fried foods mark your eating habits
- If you have an alcohol drinking problem
The above-mentioned is not an exhaustive list of scenarios that should prompt you to take a LFT. So, if you have any inconsistency with digestion or excretion, or specifically an ailment that has affected your liver, please consult your doctor for an LFT.